Author Interviews
I love when people share their writing journey! Here are interviews with fiction and non-fiction authors. Each one has a different and interesting journey. Yet all of them seem to express a need to do what they do. Many also share experiences about how they got started and what drives them to continue to write. Some offer words of wisdom to new writers. They give them tips about how to approach their journey in the world of words. Enjoy!
Listed in alphabetical order by first names:
A. M. Semple
Alan Black
Alex Bailey
Amy Miller
Andreas Wisst
Anna Casamento Arrigo
Anne Hillerman
Annie Stillwater Gray
B. C. Stone
Bernard Jan
Charles Peterson Sheppard
Christina Britton Conroy
Christine U. Cowin
Chuck Greaves
Cynthia Hamilton
Dodici Azpadu
Elaina J. Davidson
Emily Mah Tippetts
Gabriel Constans
H.M. Holten
Ilene Goff Kaufmann
Irene Blea
Ivy Logan
J. S. Frankel
Jack Woodville London
Jacob M. Appel
Jeanne Shannon
Jim Tritten
Joanne Bodin
Johnny Boggs
Jonathan Miller
Joseph Badal
Joy Ross Davis
K. M. Saint James
Kala Ambrose
Kathleen Harryman
Kathy Wagoner
Kiersten Hall
Kimberly Kiegel
Koos Verkaik
Kristina Gallo
Linda Coulombe Roybal
Lisette Brodey
Loretta Hall
Marcee Corn
Marguerite M. Manning
Mark Carnelley
Mark David Gerson
Mark Scantland
Mark Stevens
Martha Perez
Martin J. Best
Meb Bryant
Melody Groves
Michelle Daly
Nancy Pogue LaTurner
Nina Romano
Parris Afton Bonds
Paul Cude
Phillip D. Curwood
R. A. “Doc” Correa
Rafael Amadeus Hines
Richard E. Peck
RJ Mirabal
Rob Spiegel
Robert J. Tórrez
Robert Kidera
Roger Bray
Roger Floyd
Ronald C.Tobin
Rosemary Zibart
Russell (The Author)
Sarah H. Baker
Scott Bury
Sherri Burr
Slim Randles
Steve Brewer
Tonya Penrose
Travis Borne
Vikki Kestell