S. S. Bazinet

"The bliss of writing is seeing you smile."

The Omega Chronicles

The Omega Chronicles by Mark Carnelley

The Omega Chronicles
by Mark Carnelley
Reviewed by S. S. Bazinet

Description: A giant cosmic dust cloud is first noticed in 1962, its discovery kept a secret so as not to cause worldwide panic, finally hits the Earth fifty-five years later with catastrophic devastation that wipes life from the face of the planet. One man, Colton Lee Steele, miraculously survives whilst stationed in Antarctica and thus starts his struggle to at first comprehend the enormity of his predicament and then plans and travels to the Northwest Territories to finally find a place he can call home. It is a harsh environment he finds himself in but through perseverance and true grit, he discovers an inner strength that will guide him through his final years, and along the way discover that life will always find a way.

Review: “A testament to the human spirit!”

I’ve never contemplated being the last human on earth. However, author Mark Carnelley hasn’t just contemplated such a horrific situation, he’s written a brilliant story that addresses the issue.

His protagonist, Colton Lee Steele (Cole), must undergo just about the worst fate that I can imagine. Yet, somehow, he finds the courage to struggle on in a way that had me captivated. I read the book straight through. Cole’s journey held me spellbound as he grappled with life and how to face the impossible without going insane. The story was so powerfully written that I felt like I was making the journey with him.

If you’ve ever felt that people are lacking, and you need an example of true staying power in the face of adversity, read THE OMEGA CHRONICLES. Every page is a testament to the strength and power that is at the core of the human spirit. Instead of being depressed by the theme of the book, I was left with a deeper appreciation of the gift we call life, and how every moment is more precious than we can imagine.

Five Stars on Amazon.

Author Page on Amazon

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