S. S. Bazinet

"The bliss of writing is seeing you smile."

A Child’s Love

Anna_Casamento Arrigo's A Childs Love
A Child’s Love
by Anna Casamento Arrigo (Author)
Reviewed by S. S. Bazinet

Description: “A Child’s Love” is a heartwarming story evoking the unbreakable chain of love between mother and daughter. It dares the reader to hold back tears as a mother watches her daughter become a mother herself, and the daughter then tends to the mother’s needs as time takes its inevitable toll. This “circle of life” process is keenly observed by the granddaughter, who will someday herself need to extend such care and compassion to her mother, thus allowing love, devotion and compassion to pass from one generation to the next.

My Review: Love is what makes a life a gift to be savored.

This beautiful children’s story illustrates just how brave we are as souls. We come into the world completely helpless. Our birth is also the beginning of the end for each of us. We’re born, live a certain number of years, and die. It all sounds pretty unappealing except for one thing, LOVE.

Love is what makes a life a gift to be savored. If we feel it, we thrive. We have the strength to go beyond our fears and accomplish extraordinary things. Without it, we often feel lost and alone.

“A Child’s Love” is a shining example of what a loving life looks like. The mother in the story gives her baby all the love in her heart. She continues to love her child as the child grows up. When the daughter becomes an adult and has a child of her own, she knows what it means to be a loving parent too. But she doesn’t only love her child, she loves the mother who raised her. The love they share never wanes. Even when death claims the mother, they are joined by that love.

But love isn’t only for parents and their children. It’s there in all our hearts. Sadly, some of us have never known it was there. Perhaps, some of us were never given love as a child. However, if all of us could be that vehicle of love for each other, I believe the world and life would be a heavenly place to experience. Five stars for this beautiful story about the most important thing in our lives, LOVE.

Visit the author, Anna Casamento Arrigo, on Twitter and on Facebook.