S. S. Bazinet

"The bliss of writing is seeing you smile."

Ilene Goff Kaufmann Interview

Ilene Goff Kaufmann AuthorIlene Goff Kaufmann was born and raised in rural Lapeer, Michigan. She was adopted when she was four years old, along with two of her brothers. She began writing poetry at a very early age. It became a way for her to express her deepest thoughts and feelings. Her love for writing poetry continued throughout her life. She is the author of Rhyme and Reason, My Life In Poems. She’s also written a children’s book, Jayden’s New Adventures.

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What motivates you to write and how did you get started?

I’d have to say it’s my children and grandchildren. But when I was younger I think I was motivated more by pain than anything else. Writing became a way for me to say what I was feeling without actually speaking a word. It became an outlet for me. I would write stories of my life that ended with “happily ever after.” Or poems that made anything pretty.
Rhyme & Reason: My Life in Poems by Ilene Goff Kaufmann
What’s most rewarding about writing?

The way it makes people feel. The power it has to change a person’s life, attitude, or even perception, is amazing to me! Take me for example, writing literally saved my life, in more ways than one.

What’s your favorite genre and why?

Science fiction, without a doubt! But don’t ask me to write it…(laughs)

Where do your characters come from?

Mostly from family and close friends. Some are made up to fit into the storyline.

Who is an author who inspires you and why?

VC Andrews! I know she’s deceased, but she was the first author that ever moved me to want to read. I couldn’t get enough of her! I even named one of my children after one of her books that I was reading when I was pregnant, “MY SWEET AUDRINA”!!

What do you look for in other people’s books?

Passion. If I don’t feel their heart and soul in their writing, I lose interest fast. I’ve always been like that.

What are you writing now?

The third book from the Jayden and Rylee Series. And ever so often I will write a poem. Writing poems is different for me, they come to me when I least expect it. And I have to sit down and write them out in their entirety, before I forget. Sometimes they’ll come at 3 in the morning and other times they’ll come when I’m driving home from work. Either way, it’s a race to get to pen and paper before I lose the entire poem! Writing children’s books is so much easier and orderly.
Jayden's New Adventures by Ilene Goff Kaufmann
What kind of book would you like to be known for?

One that can touch a person’s heart or change people’s lives for the better.

What has writing taught you about yourself?

That I matter. Writing makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something. What? I can’t really say. But something good … I hope.

How has your life experience influenced your writing?

It’s the reason I started writing! And the good, positive place I’m in now is the reason I keep writing.

What encouraging advice can you offer new writers?

Wow, I’m not sure. Don’t do it for the money…. If you do you’ll be strongly disappointed and you’ll be selling yourself short. Because only those writers that write from the heart will keep writing even when there’s no paycheck in sight. And those are the books that are worth reading!

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10 thoughts on “Ilene Goff Kaufmann Interview

  • Stone Olive

    Nice interview! I like learning more about the author. I wish you both the best!

    • SS Bazinet

      Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  • Great interview! It’s so nice to learn more about my new Twitter friend, Illene. I could look at the cover for Jayden’s New Adventures all day. It’s so sweet!

  • Ilene Goff Kaufmann

    Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments. Your words are so appreciated and encouraging. My love to you all!

  • Miss maxine Susan jones

    What a fabulous review I have both books and they are fabulous my granddaughter loves me reading Jayden’s New Adventures to her, Rhyme And Reason is the best book I have read in a long time it’s got everything from heartache sorry to very happy times.Ilene Goff Kaufmann is a fabulous author I would like to wish her a fabulous future

  • Andrea Denney

    Great review! I have both books and they are wonderful in very different ways. The best to the author and to much success in the future.

  • Such an awesome review! It really helps in getting to know Ilene not only as the author to 2 wonderfully written books, but as a very passionate and loving person.

  • Wonderful interview! I enjoyed learning more about Ilene. Thank you!😊

  • Ilene Goff Kaufmann

    Thank you so much Sandy! Im honored that you came to me to ask if I would like to do an interview. This has been a wonderful experience, and I really appreciate all the time and energy you put into it. Thank you so much, best wishes!

    • SS Bazinet

      You’re so welcome, Ilene, and thank you for the wonderful interview!


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